Uptown v. Downtown


  Needle Exchange

HIV Testing

       With the use of a condom the risk of contracting HIV during sexual intercourse is reduced by 80%.[i] When condoms are free of charge and available in public spaces people are significantly more likely to have protected sex.[ii]   New York City has recognized free condom distribution as an important method of prevention and launched a New York City themed condom in February 2007, the condom is distributed at health clinics, community centers and various stores and its release was accompanied with a bilingual radio and poster campaign.[iii] However further steps need to be taken in condom distribution, with the condoms available in night clubs and hotel rooms across the city. A study of condom promotion in Nicaragua show that the placement of condoms, available without request, in places that couples frequent dramatically increases condom use.[iv]


[i] Cayley WE. Effectiveness of Condoms in Reducing Heterosexual Transmission of HIV. Am Fam Phys 2004;70:1268-1269.

[ii] Cohen D, Scribner R, et al. Cost as a Barrier to Condom Use: The Evidence for Condom Subsidies in the US. Am J Public Health 1999;89:567-568.

[iii] NYC DOHMH. Press Release: Health Department Launches the Nation’s First Official City Condom. 14 February 2007.

[iv] Egger M, Pauw J, et al. Promotion of condom use in a high-risk setting in Nicaragua: a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2000;355:2101-2105.