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Costs include buying many expensive drugs for HIV/AIDS with several side-effects.

Overall, the total cost of HIV/AIDS per lifetime is about $199, 800[23] and averages out to $12, 487.50 per year.[24] If we can inform just one person with a simple test, then maybe they will not infect others which in turn will decrease the lifetime costs of AIDS worldwide. This is especially challenging for members in the zip codes that the van focuses on because most of the incomes are well under $33, 000 per year. If people in this community were required to pay $12, 487.50 per year, then their income would only be $20,512.50. Essentially, they would be paying 37.8% of their entire incomes.

Based on this information, I totaled the amount it would cost per lifetime for 1000 individuals receiving treatment using the transit unit’s risk reduction services, compared to those infected. The total came out to:

Cost for Lifetime per 1000 people




SHOVE – transit unit


HIV/AIDS – Lifetime Costs






Birth Control Shot




Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Testing

$72, 800







Total per 1,000 people


Total for 1,000 people


Total per person

$1, 242.03

Total Cost per person


* Although the transit unit will receive more people daily, I used a base of 1,000 people.

This shows that the total cost of HIV/AIDS for over a life time for one person is over $198, 500. These economic benefits prove that it is more rational to go with prevention measures which are extremely effective.