

“Time to Re-Sound Alarm on AIDS” The Times Herald Record 6 Jun 2001. 20 Feb. 2007

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“A Price War on AIDS Drugs” The Times Herald Record 27 March 2001. 20 Feb. 2007         < >


“Newburgh Marchers Take AIDS Message to the People” The Times Herald Record 12

Feb. 2001. 20 Feb. 2007

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Montgomery, Ben. “Personal Cry Heard on Worlds AIDS day in Newburgh” The Times

Herald Record 2 Dec. 2002. 20 Feb. 2007

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U.S. Census Bureau “American FactFinder” 20 Feb. 2007

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New York State Department of Health “Health News” 20 Feb. 2007

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Picture of Hypodermic Needle 20 Feb. 2007



Picture of Thurgood Marshall Academy 20 Feb. 2007



Picture of Northfield Mt. Hermon20 Feb. 2007

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Picture of New York State map 02 May 2007


 Paper 3

1 Gibson, David R. "Effectiveness of Syringe Exchange Programs in Reducing HIV Risk Behavior and HIV Seroconversion Amoung Injecting Drug Users." Offical Journal of International AIDS 15 (2001). 3 May 2007. 


2 "Newburgh: the Promised Land." The Times Heral Record 29 Jan. 2006. 3 May 2007 <>. 


3 New York. Health Department. Health Services for HIV/AIDS in New York State. 3 May 2007. 


4 New York State. AIDS Advisory Council. Health Department. Report on Needle Exchange Programs and Deregulation of Needles and Syringes. Apr. 1996. 3 May 2007. 


5 New York State. Centers for Disease Controle and Prevention. Department of Health and Humane Services. Prevention Challenges. 3 May 2007. 


6 New York State. Health Department. Program Requirements/Guidelines to Sell or Furnish Hypodermic Needles and Syringes Without a Prescription. 3 May 2007. 


7 New York State. New York Department of Health. AIDS Related Costs and Expenitures in New York State. 3 May 2007. 


8 New York State. New York Department of Health. Expanded Syringe Access Demonstration Program Safety Insert. 2005. 


9 New York. The New York State AIDS Advisory Counsil. Health Department. Report on Syringe Access in New York State. Jan. 2005. 3 May 2007. 


10 United States. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 5 Apr. 2007. 3 May 2007. 


11 United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention Challenges. 3 May 2007. 


12 United States. MMWR. Center for Disease Controle and Prevention. Technical Guidnace on HIV. 15 Jan. 1993. 3 May 2007. 

13 "Female Condom." ADVERT. 3 May 2007 <>.


14 "Heroin Trivia Quiz." Gurl. 3 May 2007 <,,710148,00.html>.