AIDS in the Circle City

MSM Problems




             Although there is an MSM problem in the African-American population, the one in the white population rages as well.  In Marion County, 68% of the cumulative HIV/AIDS cases belong to the transmission category MSM.  This problem is an interesting one because there is not only the issue of black men on the “down-low” to consider, but the fact that there are hundreds of white gay men who continue to practice unsafe sex.  It would make sense that these men, most of all, would be the ones who practice safe sex.  In the same article, the head of the Bell Flower Clinic in Indianapolis discusses the fact that they had seen 14 new HIV cases, as opposed to the 6 at the same time in the previous year, all in young MSM under 25.[1]  It is cases like these that worry Indiana health officials.  “…the advent of state-of-the-art anti-retroviral drugs have led some to develop a cavalier attitude toward the potential risk,” states the same article.

MSM Solutions

[1] Indianapolis Star