AIDS in the Circle City Gender |
In looking at the detailed data that I was fortunate to receive, I decided to look at gender, mode of transmission, and race. To begin, I chose to look at the rates of HIV/AIDS cases connected with gender. In the beginning, the AIDS epidemic was one that affected mostly homosexual men and gender would not have been an interesting fact to examine when looking into the AIDS epidemic. Now, however, more and more women are infected every day. In the United States, the percentage of women who have been diagnosed with AIDS is just under 20%. For a disease that began only 25 years ago as a male dominated one, AIDS has made considerable headway among the female population in the US. Indiana and Marion County, although they have slightly higher male infection percentages, stick fairly close to the national trend when it comes to gender. Cumulative AIDS Percentages With Respect to Gender
As I read more and more about AIDS and looked more and more at the data I received, the more I realized that maybe in my Midwestern town there is more than meets the eye. Women, for example, account for 22% of all new HIV infections in the state of Indiana.[1] When I look at this data, I can’t help but wonder for those 13 years that I was in school, “Where was the education? Where were the numbers? Why is this the first time that I am hearing about this?” [1] http://www.statehealthfacts.org/cgi-bin/healthfacts.cgi?action=profile&area=Indiana&category=HIV%2fAIDS&subcategory=New+AIDS+Cases&topic=New+AIDS+Cases+All+Ages+by+Sex