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1. Freligh, Rebecca. “The Changing Face of AIDS.” The Plain Dealer [Cleveland] 11 Feb. 1997: 1E. 9 Sept. 2007 <> I chose this article because it directly relates to my estimates. The article discusses how women are becoming more of a target of AIDS even though the stereotypical victim is a white, gay, man. I found good evidence that supported my paper and it was featured in a slideshow that my dad presented the first time I heard him give a speech. 2. Keehn, Tami. “Walking for a Worthy Cause.” The Plain Dealer [Cleveland] 8 July 1996: 3E. 9 Sept. 2007 <>. This article directly relates to my paper because the main topic is the Cleveland AIDS walk which I have participated in every year since age nine. It is important for me to include this information so that the reader has a background of what it is exactly and why the walk is so important and influential on my perception of AIDS. 3. McEnery, Regina. “AIDS is becoming disease of the poor.” The Plain Dealer [Cleveland] 3 June 2006: Ai. 4 Sept. 2007 <>. This article supports my reasoning for guessing a poor mainly African American community as the area in Cleveland with the highest rates of HIV/AIDS instead of the correct answer which was a mainly white community. This article was featured in the front page of my city’s newspaper last year and has many important facts about Cleveland. 4. McEnery, Regina “Cleveland schools revising sex Ed; Program includes lessons on abstinence, contraception.” The Plain Dealer [Cleveland] 20 Oct. 2006: A1. 4 Sept. 2007 <>. This article is important because it discusses that one third of all HIV/AIDS cases in Ohio are in Cleveland. It also discusses the Cleveland school sex Ed program, which although did not affect me because the change occurred this year it is still important for me to realize the improvements Cleveland is making. 5. Philip, Morris. “A Warning on AIDS Latinos Must Hear.” The Plain Dealer [Cleveland] 13 Apr. 2004: B9. 20 Sept. 2007 <>. This article was important because it was the only one that featured the Hispanic community and AIDS. This article truly supported my reasoning that Latinos are being ignored when considering the risk of HIV/AIDS even though they are the highest risk group in the Cleveland area. 6. Tebben, Janet. “HIV-Positive Athlete to lead AIDS Walk Here.” The Plain Dealer [Cleveland] 19 Sept. 1998: 1B. 9 Sept. 2007 <>. This article is another that discusses the AIDS walk which has been a major impact in my perception of what AIDS is. The article describes the walk in detail which is something I used in my paper. 7. United States. U.S. Census Bureau. Population Distribution. 1 Sept. 2007 <>. --Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV/AIDS surveillance Report, 2005 Vol. 17 Rev ed. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2007. I used both of these surveys to make the charts that are featured on my website and have used the chart to support my arguments. 8. Perceptions of heterosexual African American males’ high risk sex behaviors. Melva Thomson Robison, Mike Weaver, Marya Shegog, Donna Richter, Stuart Usdan, and Ruth Saunders. International Journal of Men’s Health 6.2 Student Resource Center- Gold. I used this study to support my reasoning on my guess concerning those where in infected when organized by race.