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-           Queens, NY population numbers (by zip code) from 2000 census ( www.census.gov)

-           US Population numbers from 2000 census (www.census.gov)

-           Queens County population numbers from 2000 census (www.census.gov)

-           New York State population numbers from 2000 census (www.census.gov)

-           US Cumulative AIDS cases from 2005 CDC annual report, table 14 (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/resources/reports/2005report/table14.htm)

-           Quick Facts about Census data (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/meta/long_71061.htm)     

-           Queens, NY cumulative AIDS cases by zip code (provided by Prof. Yoshino)


-           Demographic Data (SF3) from Census website (www.census.gov)

-           Queens, NY cumulative HIV cases by zip code (provided by Prof. Yoshino)


Mode of Transmission:

-           National Mode of Transmission Data from 2005 AIDS Surveillance Report, table 17 (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/resources/reports/2005report/table17.htm)

-           Queens, NY Mode of Transmission Data by zip code (provided by Prof. Yoshino)



-           Unless mentioned, all images are self-taken.