Connecticut and Fairfield County have already put a great deal of effort into fighting AIDS:

-July 1, 1992: Connecticut enacts new legislation allowing for the purchase of up to 10 syringes at a pharmacy without a prescription. This law also allowed for the legal possession of up to ten clean needles.

-Family Services Woodfield in Bridgeport, CT manages a $10 million budget and hires 300 employees trained to assist HIV victims in Bridgeport.

-Connecticut Department of Education mandates that: "Each local and regional board of education shall offer during the regular school day planned, ongoing and systematic instruction on acquired immune deficiency syndrome, as taught by legally qualified teachers.


Problems still exist:

-General sense of disconnect and invincibility among students where AIDS is not an issue

-Increased rates of heterosexual transmission coupled with stigma surrounding testing and HIV in general

-IDU use remains a primary cause
